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Far East
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Showing posts with label
Far East
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Achieving Self-Mastery Through Martial Arts
Self-mastery is a central conception in leadership and as well in martial arts, where practitioners strive to make improvements to their f...
Unlocking the Power of Virtue: A Guide to Leadership by Virtue
Are you struggling to become an effective leader? Do you want to improve your leadership skills but do not know where to start? If yes, then...
Biggest Relaxation Mistakes and how to avoid them
Long ago sports evolved from martial arts (like: Greek Olympic games ) and were transformed into competitive play with rules and winning po...
Cross-Culture Will Radically Change Your Leadership
All of you have probably visited places where you sensed that “things” are different than those at your home place? Paradoxically, we set ...
Best Ways to Relax Successfully
Is a stress-free and meaningful life possible today? We are daily bombarded by requests, actions, interrupts. The media pressure us with w...
Fajin Power that radically changes your Leadership
Fajin or fa chin is a term used in some Chinese Martial Arts … When I first heard the term I didn’t know what to think of it. If your...
Dualism vs. Yin-Yang
Can Western dualism be compared to Yin and Yang? We are probably all aware that René Descartes was a major figure in seventeenth-cen...
Multicultural environment and leadership
In situations when you have to introduce yourself where do you usually place your family name: in front of a given one or behind it? Do you ...
Hundred posts
WOW – when I started to write this blog hundred seemed a long time away. I even haven’t had a clue what topics to write about in first few p...
Ancient knowledge about leadership
Last post about “ Different views on leadership ” discussed the differences between Western and Eastern leadership views. In searching for ...
Tai chi in the leadership world -1
In my post Tai Chi Quan Leadership I have given you some historical information and points to be used in leadership process from Tai Chi. I...
Learning Leadership from Martial Arts - I
The central blog question is: “How to successfully lead a group of people coming from different cultural backgrounds?” Today we are facing...
Dao De Jing
Dao De Jing is a transcript of around five thousand Chinese characters in eighty-one chapters or sections. The chapter divisions were durin...
Leadership By Virtue ~ book trailer
Blurb of the book: Interwoven around the leadership process, corporate challenges and martial arts this book brings the reader along to ...
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