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Wu wei
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Showing posts with label
Wu wei
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Biggest Relaxation Mistakes and how to avoid them
Long ago sports evolved from martial arts (like: Greek Olympic games ) and were transformed into competitive play with rules and winning po...
Best Ways to Relax Successfully
Is a stress-free and meaningful life possible today? We are daily bombarded by requests, actions, interrupts. The media pressure us with w...
Best Practices That Drive Adaptability
“Better to spend three years looking for a good master than ten years training with a bad one.” Wushu wisdom. We live in a fast changing ...
Practicing “Tai Chun”
There is no martial art with the name Tai Chun. I just melted names of two arts to form a new expression: the first word from Tai Chi ( T...
Sun Tzu wisdom and Leadership
In my previous posts I have deliberately omitted any connection to well-known book The Art of War by Sun Tzu. This book is one of the seven ...
Martial arts solution to conflict
In previous post Leadership and conflict I've explained what conflict is, the types of conflict and how to resolve them as a leader. In...
Wing chun in Leadership
Wing Chun (in Mandarin Yong chun) means “eternal spring”. It is a marvelously efficient system of aggressive self-defense that allows immed...
I Ching
The I Ching or Zhouyi – the Book of Changes is a collection of practical wisdom used as oracular statements and pertaining to every concei...
Walk meetings
A while ago I happened to have a meeting while pleasantly walking through the park. Since then I try, whenever possible, to avoid to meet in...
Least of effort in leadership
The Mandarin Chinese word wú wéi could be described: ‘by inaction nothing is left undone.’ It may well be also translated as ‘non-acting...
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