We rescued Biba from the shelter when she was about one year old. Xia came to us eight weeks old from a breeder. This time we did not hesitate to start educating Xia right away. In the first weeks we tried “old” school techniques according to our previous experiences but they were not working well. So we decided to get an instructor to teach much more us than her. The instructor was very confident in telling us that his principle is a positive motivation that is easy for dogs and hard for owners. And it proved so all over again!

The instructor told us that normally the repetition of 10.000 times makes the command stored to dog’s musculature “memory”. How equal to us! (See: How To unify Body, Mind and Spirit). Practically the same goes in practicing martial arts: “If you want to really learn something you have to repeat it 10.000 times!”
When I practice my martial arts the repetitions are the basis. In karate, to learn endurance we had to stand in proper stances long over our burning muscles. We were hitting focuser glove on and on to learn right way.
Also Wing Chun is not that different when drill is in question.
On top of all hard hits and kicks you get tired due to repetition of them. That IS the moment when you start to preserve your energy as you are too tired to hit with force. The hits become proper and not any more brutally. Later on, with years of repetition, you know how to hit properly right from the beginning and up to the end of session. And there is also your shifu who probably tells you all the time ‘the first and the last hit have to be the same!’ That makes the difference between loosing and winning fighter. The latter can spare energy for the whole fight and all the repetitions during it.
Repetition is crucial in all learning processes.
Now what about positive motivation – is it found in martial arts too?
It should be. Why would people struggle with all that endurance, pain and repetitions? Tai Chi definitively gives out positive motivation if you are determined and focused enough: I’d explain it through pushing hands at which you improve relaxation, flexibility, timing, balance, self-control and numerous other qualities by repetitions. And improving yourself is (should be) a positive motivation.
Why? Because you come to martial arts’ gym to improve yourself, don’t you?
You cannot or do not want hard work – Kong Fu – just enroll in something else then!

Imagine punishing a child when she/he falls? Would we ever learn to walk? How long would it take us?
Back to the working world: how do we ‘praise’ our workers when they (accidentally) make a mistake?
Mostly, we do not! We ‘hit’ them on salaries.
There is a so-called positive motivation - ‘the best week/month employees. What about the rest of them? Yes, they are losers. Can this be considered as ‘Inspiring others’ approach? Just for a moment think the situation with twin brothers: would one of them ever walk if their parents treat one better than the other?
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