Different views on leadership

Intercultural team
There are probably more studies, articles and books on “how to lead a team and building a team” than you can ever read. Therefore, I’m not going to or daring to repeat the same matters. But I would rather post a challenge - “Have you ever been a part of an international /inter-cultural team”?

If yes, what kind of experience did you get? Where there any obstacles to leadership, any misunderstanding because of different perceptions of team members coming from different cultural background? Well, I had had such an opportunity to work in and lead a multicultural environment.

In this post I would like to show and compare western approaches to team leading with eastern ones. They are so different in styles and philosophies that it is interesting to demonstrate and to share them with you.

West mostly always describes “five/seven/ten… keys to leading a team”. You are probably very much accustomed with them and have read about those as well as other instructions dealing with leading, team and expected characteristics of a leader. Most of the time authors offer some of the great (repeated) suggestions and topics shown below which are then further appropriately elaborated into strong rooted believes of properness:

  • Keep things in perspective / define the purpose of the team; 
  • Establish team objectives / focus on results and productivity; 
  • Keep the team focused / align people with the stuff they are good at or passionate about; 
  • Get the right people on-and-off the bus / demonstrate your commitment; 
  • Be a team player or allow others to shine / a leader must mobilize team members; 
  • Leading by example means following rules / leader cannot exempt himself from the rules; 
  • Leaders people will follow are accountable and trustworthy / leaders of teams take the responsibility; 
  • Characteristics of a successful leadership is to trust your people -- and let them know it;
  • Don’t provide all the answers -- make your employees think; 
  • etc.

For more please read at: http://peopledevelopmentmagazine.com/leading-with-virtue-not-beliefs/.

Leadership attitude

In last two posts I have written about the difference between two, many times interchanged, organizational functions that are necessary to any organization: management (To manage people) and leadership (To lead people). As there is more to both of them, here I’d like to share with you some more of my views on leadership attitudes, the ones that I consider important.

Many of you will agree that leadership is more about who the leader is than what he/she is actually doing. Therefore, we may assume that the attitude is important when influencing, impacting and leading people.

To lead people

Leadership and followers
Have you heard of many great managers of the past? Probably much less than about great leaders. That is why “to manage” and “to lead” are two distinguishing roles. They are both needed in society and organizations.

The verb “to lead” has a great history down to the philosophical writings from Plato's Republic to Plutarch's Lives in which he explored the question “What qualities distinguish an individual as a leader?” In one of my previous posts “China’s history and culture impacting Leadership – 1 (and following ) I've written about the Far East’ perception on leadership. And what internet has to say about the verb “to lead”?

  • To show the way to by going in advance
  • To go first as a guide.

  • To direct on a course or in a direction
  • To guide someone or something along a way.

  • To go before or with to show the way; conduct or escort: to lead a group on a cross-country hike
  • To take the initiative; begin.

To manage people

Manage tools
I've learned that the verb “to manage” comes from the Italian maneggiare (to handle, especially tools), which derives from the Latin word manus (hand). So I've searched dictionaries and Internet and come with broader definitions of the meaning of the word:

The Free dictionary:
  • To direct or control the use of; handle: manage a complex machine tool 
  • To direct the affairs or interests of: manage a company; an agency that manages performers

The Merriam Webster:
  • To have control of (something, such as a business, department, sports team, etc.)

The Dictionary.com :
  • To dominate or influence (a person) by tact, flattery, or artifice: He manages the child with exemplary skill.
  • To handle, direct, govern, or control in action or use: She managed the boat efficiently.

Martial arts solution to conflict

Martial artsIn previous post Leadership and conflict I've explained what conflict is, the types of conflict and how to resolve them as a leader. In this post I would add my additional thoughts on the subject from a different angle of view.

Martial arts are mostly thought of as being violent. At the beginning of each enrolment year there come those that want to fight. They see martial arts as a solution to their way of solving conflicts on streets, in bars or other locations. They feel that they will be “equipped” with better tooling and can turn the outcome of the conflict in their favor.

The main question is: “Is that so?”

There are two ways to answer this question that may mislead the answer to just one direction: the direction in which one is able only to fight back.