Harnessing the Power of Martial Arts for leadership

Harnessing the power of martial arts for better application of leadership can be a great way to build strong and successful teams. It is a skill that can be developed and refined, and can be used to create an environment of trust, respect and support

Could be that leadership is a concept that has been around since the beginning of time. It is a skill that has been highly sought after and valued by many, from the military, kings to the corporate world. However, how can martial arts be used to develop this valuable skill?

Believe it or not, but martial arts provide an excellent way to develop the skills required to become an exceptional leader. In martial arts, the focus is on self-discipline and control. This means that practitioners must learn to control their thoughts, emotions, and physical movements. This self-control requires an excellent level of focus and concentration. When a person can control their own actions and thoughts, they are better able to fight or work as well as to lead and motivate others. It also teaches them to be patient and persistent when dealing with difficult situations.

Martial arts also teaches practitioners how to effectively communicate with their peers. Practitioners learn to be assertive and persuasive in their communication. During the practice, they learn to express themselves in a clear and concise manner and to listen to others with respect. This skill is essential for successful leadership, as it allows leaders to effectively communicate their vision and through it motivate their team.

Leadership, as opposed to management, requires the ability to think strategically and plan far ahead. Martial arts provides an ideal platform to develop these skills. In martial arts, practitioners must think ahead and anticipate their opponent’s moves and actions. This practice can teach leaders to anticipate the needs of their team and develop strategies to meet those needs.

Martial arts also teaches practitioners to be decisive as practitioners must make split-second decisions that can affect the outcome of a drill or a match. This instils them to make quick decisions and stand by them. This skill is essential for leadership, as it allows leaders to make decisions quickly and confidently.

Finally, martial arts teaches practitioners to accept failure and learn from it. Practitioners must accept that failure and use it as a learning opportunity when practicing the art otherwise one cannot see the drawbacks or advantages one has. As well, ups and downs are an inevitable part of life. The same goes with leaders, they have to accept failure, learn from it, and use it as a learning opportunity instead of a setback.

Therefore, martial arts provides an excellent platform to develop the skills required to become an outstanding leader

The “Leadership by Virtue” book is packed with information, techniques, and strategies that can be used to increase leadership capabilities, while also giving readers an in-depth look at the history, philosophy, and teachings of martial arts.

The Art of Leadership: Martial Arts Strategies


Are you looking to improve your leadership skills and gain a competitive edge in business and life? Look no further than the principles and practices of martial arts. They offer a unique set of tools and strategies that can help you become a more valuable leader.

One of the key benefits of martial arts is the emphasis on physical training and discipline. Through rigorous training and practice, martial arts can help you develop the focus, concentration, and mental fortitude needed to excel in leadership roles. By learning to prioritize tasks and stay focused under pressure, you can make better decisions and lead your team with greater confidence.

Martial arts also teach emotional discipline, which is essential for leadership. By learning to control your reactions to difficult situations, you can remain calm and composed in the face of challenges, and make rational decisions that benefit your organization. This emotional resilience can also help you navigate the difficulties of business and inspire confidence in your team.

In addition to physical and emotional discipline, martial arts promote respect for oneself and others. By showing respect, you can create an atmosphere of trust and cooperation in your organization, which is essential for effective leadership. As a leader, you must be able to inspire and motivate your team to do their best work, and respect is a crucial ingredient in building that relationship.

Developing leadership skills takes time and experience, but incorporating martial arts strategies can set you on the right path to success. By practicing physical and emotional discipline, fostering trust, showing respect, and building self-confidence, you can earn the respect and admiration of your colleagues and build a successful leadership career.

To start integrating martial arts principles into your leadership style, consider attending martial arts classes, joining a martial arts community, or studying martial arts philosophy. By taking action and actively seeking to improve your leadership skills, you can set yourself up for success in both your personal and professional life.

In conclusion, martial arts offer a unique set of tools and strategies that can help you become a more effective and successful leader. By developing physical and emotional discipline, fostering respect, and building self-confidence, you can earn the trust and admiration of your colleagues and build a successful leadership career. So why not take the first step today and explore the world of martial arts? It just might be the key to unlocking your full leadership potential.

Unlocking the Power of Virtue: A Guide to Leadership by Virtue

Are you struggling to become an effective leader? Do you want to improve your leadership skills but do not know where to start? If yes, then this blog and the book Leadership by Virtue, written by Jaro Berce, are perfect for you.

Leadership by Virtue is an essential read for anyone who aspires to become an effective and ethical leader. It provides a roadmap for developing virtuous leadership skills that will enable you to create a positive work environment, inspire your team, and drive success. With a commitment to virtue and a willingness to learn, you can unlock the power of leadership by virtue and become the leader you were meant to be.

The blog you are reading now is intended as a practical guide with short posts that contain, and emphasize that leadership is a journey of continual growth and development, and that cultivating virtuous qualities and behaviors can help leaders create positive change in their organizations and communities.

1. The importance of Leadership by Virtue: It is emphasized that true leadership is not just about position or power, but also about character and virtue. Leaders who embody qualities such as honesty, integrity, and compassion are more likely to inspire and motivate their teams, and create a culture of trust and respect.

2. The role of self-awareness and reflection: The effective leadership requires a deep understanding of oneself, including strengths, weaknesses, and values. By engaging in regular self-reflection and seeking feedback from others, leaders can identify areas for growth and development.

3. The value of communication: Effective communication is a crucial aspect of leadership. Leaders who are able to articulate their vision, listen actively to others, and provide feedback in a constructive manner are more likely to build strong relationships and achieve their goals.

4. The need for adaptability and resilience: It is noted that leadership often involves navigating complex and unpredictable situations, and that successful leaders are able to adapt to changing circumstances and bounce back from setbacks.

5. The use of different approaches to leadership: In this blog and in the book, Western and Far East principles are merged to demonstrate the wholeness of leadership. In dawn times people were following the strongest and smartest person that knew how to fight to protect their tribe. Therefore, martial arts are seen as the key ingredient from which a wisdom of leadership can be extracted. 

The book Leadership by Virtue is a comprehensive guide to developing virtuous leadership skills. It presents a fresh perspective on leadership that emphasizes character, ethics, and values. The book is an ideal resource for anyone looking to become a successful leader, as it provides a step-by-step process for developing martial arts leadership skills and applying them in the real world. It is an excellent resource for business professionals, entrepreneurs, and martial arts experts alike.

1. Understanding Virtue: Virtue is the foundation of effective leadership. Virtue is defined as a moral excellence that leads to ethical behavior. Virtue comprises of a set of qualities, such as integrity, honesty, courage, empathy, and humility. A virtuous leader understands the importance of these qualities and seeks to embody them in their daily life.

2. The Power of Leadership by Virtue: Leadership by virtue is about leading by example. A leader who embodies virtuous qualities creates a positive work environment and earns the trust and respect of their team. Such a leader inspires others to follow his/hers lead, encourages creativity and innovation, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

3. Virtue in Action: Implementing leadership by virtue requires a deliberate effort. Start by assessing your current leadership style and identifying areas where you can improve. Consider how you can demonstrate more integrity, honesty, courage, empathy, and humility in your interactions with your team. Set clear expectations for ethical behavior and hold yourself and your team accountable for upholding these standards.

4. The Journey to Leadership by Virtue: Developing leadership by virtue skills is a journey that requires dedication and commitment. It is an ongoing process of self-reflection, learning, and growth. Seek feedback from your team, mentors, and peers, and use it to improve your leadership skills. Take courses, read books, attend workshops, and learn from other leaders who embody virtuous leadership.

5. The use of Far East and Western principles: That evolved through millennia of people struggling, fighting, developing, and organizing their life. It is unique approach of merging two different methodologies never used before and wrap them with wisdom and principles of martial arts.

Leadership and Millenians

Millennials: too many companies you will work for are not built to take care of you. Until that changes, please take care of each other. But are companies of today really companies that do care about you (no matter if you are millenians or not)?

You hear about Millennials, Generation X, and the Baby Boomers all the time, but it’s not always clear who’s a part of these groups. In fact, all of these terms are fairly unofficial social constructs outside of the Boomers. This is what they’ve come up with (source New Guidelines Redefine Birth Years for Millennials, Gen-X, and 'Post-Millennials'):

The Silent Generation: Born 1928-1945 (73-90 years old)
Baby Boomers: Born 1946-1964 (54-72 years old)
Generation X: Born 1965-1980 (38-53 years old)
Millennials: Born 1981-1996 (22-37 years old)
Post-Millennials: Born 1997-Present (0-21 years old)

I have sons in millenians time range and have to admit that a good example of current situation on millenians question has been given by Simon Sinek in his video: This Is Why You Don't Succeed.

Leadership Paradigm Shift

The challenges we face in the 21st century are often complex, where multiple causes lead non-linearly to multiple effects.

Complex problems are best solved by participatory processes that surface the wisdom of multiple perspectives.

New leadership models foster co-creation and co-ownership.

Leadership paradigm shift